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Down Syndrome Diaries | Down Syndrome … How Every Day Became a Blessing

Joseph is one of those little boys who you can’t help but fall in love with – aside from his handsome good looks – he’s going to be a right heartbreaker!, there’s a special little twinkle in his eyes, they’re always smiling!

Joseph comes from a large family and is surrounded by so much love and support. Like us, Jen and her family are strong believers in God – you can truly see how their faith has got them through seeing the beauty in absolutely everything! Anytime I feel sad or down, I head right over to Jen’s instagram page to remind myself that life IS beautiful!


I always dreamt of a perfect family – Jen’s flawless family pictures is a reminder that we STILL have a perfect family!


Here’s a little from Jen …

First, having a child with Down Syndrome has been the best thing that has happened to me! Not sure how we got so lucky, but everyday is a blessing. There’s so much that he is opening my eyes to in life & love. Like a present I get to unwrap everyday & rediscover! One of my favorite things I have noticed about Down Syndrome and in Joseph is his ability to never stay down. Down Syndrome just doesn’t seem like the right word. Yes, he gets mad sometimes, sad, disappointed & hurt. He feels all those things. But he doesn’t let it linger. He picks back up in a way I’ve never seen any of my other babies/toddlers do…there’s always a big quick smile around the corner. Pretty sure it’s just who he is to his core. A happy soul…we just love basking in his sunlight. Joseph has taught me to better see pass the handicaps of others…without even realizing what I was doing I was missing that before & missing the soul! Joseph is so much more than someone with Down Syndrome & to me he’s just Joseph! I forget he even is any different most of the time.

What is it like to have a baby with Down Syndrome? It’s like having a baby! {but better!} Though I am aware of his struggles what I see are his strengths. His joy for life, his happy personality, love, excitement to play with his siblings, the twinkle in his eye & wonder in all the new things! It’s hard to imagine this world without the new level of fulfillment he’s brought ours. He’s elevated my life, and our family to a higher level of living, fulfillment, & happy! Not sure how we ever got so lucky!

For World Down Syndrome Day 2018, I’ll be sharing 21 different stories to raise awareness! If you loved this story, you may love the others, you can find them here.

1 thought on “Down Syndrome Diaries | Down Syndrome … How Every Day Became a Blessing

  1. Omg how beautiful!

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