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You Know You’re an Indian Mum When…

As passed on by our Mothers, Masi Jis, Mami Jis, Grandmas, Pua Jis, Chachi Jis, Thai Jis, the random aunti at the Gurdwara and any other passing Aunti! … A huge shout out to you all. I love you!

1. Panjeeri (a concoction of nuts and other super foods and stuff) is the best thing since sliced bread – out with the cravings, in with the panjeeri. 


2. Your kid is destined to be a doctor or an investment banker from the moment they’re conceived … All by the age of 11. 


3. You’re a prisoner post birth for 40 days – as if you weren’t physically confined enough whilst heavily pregnant. That means no stepping foot outside of the house. For 40 days. Yep.


4. Apparently eating ghee helps stimulate a smooth labour if ya catch my drift 😉

5. You can never wrap your baby up too warm. Ensure you have ample storage for rajai’s/blankets. Probably my baby brain again but apparently we’re living in the North Pole.


6. Have a pint .. Or two! .. Of milk that is … Apparently that’ll give your baby a clear complexion. Totally makes sense.


7. Sohnf Paani (boiled water with fennel) is the shizzle! Whether you like it or not – it’s the ONLY drink you’re allowed. It’ll solve all your problems (a dodgy tummy, a flat tyre, a broken down washing machine etc) … And baby’s.


8. The “you’ve gained a bit of weight haven’t you” comments – no kidding! I only carried another human inside me for 9 months and I’m sure it’s nothing to do with being force fed panjeeri, ghee and full fat milk?


9. From the moment you conceive you’re bed bound, like pregnancy is an illness, too delicate to move. You might strain yourself lifting the remote to turn Star Plus off. The doctors are crazy telling you to walk up and down.


10. You’re automatically susceptible to an “evil eye” and these are warded off by burning chilli. I don’t know about an evil eye but mine choke and cry a river from the fumes!

All in jest guys!

Do you have any others?x

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Baby Brain Weekly Memoir … 29th May 2015 … Lots of Family Time!

Hello all! 
This weeks been quite a chilled out one in comparison to last week!
We started the week off by attending my friend Ruby’s chunni/engagement ceremony. She looked jaw droppingly gorgeous! 

It was so nice to spend some time with other mummies and their babies. Some of which have two! Although I went to sixth form with these girls, I rarely get to see them and it’s really nice when I do as we often share our stories and end up sharing useful advice too! 

     Arjun was pretty much glued to daddy the whole night and it was way past his bedtime so he was pooped pretty quick! 

We spent a lot of time at dada and dadis this week and even had a sleepover with Arjun’s Mané pooji who was staying over too. It was so much fun and bought back memories from when I first got married and when Mané was still living at her parents before she got married. I miss the days where my mother in law, Mané and I would go off on random missions together be it cooking something, going shopping or for pedicures! It felt just like old times and Arjun really had a great time being fussed over. He loved spending time with his grandparents, playing with poojis toys and stealing Indy chachus food! But most of all he enjoyed his chats with Junior! 



He even got an extra treat – his little Pua came to see him and he laughed so much with her. Ramneek spent lots of time entertaining Arjun and had so much patience with him. He adores her. Arjun even created his first masterpiece with his two puas – though his clothes were covered in more felt tip pen than his drawing – thankfully they were washable! By the time Arjun’s Sarub Chachaji arrived, Arjun was pretty pooped! 


While staying at my in laws, Mané, Ramneek and I even managed a quick shopping trip whilst the grandparents baby sat and we also all had a movie night which was great fun. Though I’m not sure I’m cut out for 1am finishes anymore! 

We were also visited by my friend Sav this week. As usual, she had all the time in the world for him and he spent a lot of the afternoon chasing around after her (or her him!).  

 Not very often for us, but Arjun and I ventured out for a walk and cafe breakfast this week. I don’t often take him to places out alone and this was the probably the second time we ate out alone just the two of us! The only other time was at Westfield I think! Arjun had a cheese toastie and I had a veggie breakfast. It was really nice and I hope as my confidence increases so will our outings alone. 

This week also marked Arjun’s 11 month birthday. If you haven’t seen his update, you can here

How was your week?x

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30 for 30! … Gratitude

Hey all,

Yesterday marked my 30th birthday. Usually I’m not really affected by birthdays and they’re just another day. But for some reason this one has moved me ever so slightly. Although 30 seems like a big number, I felt unbelievably grateful for my life. Preetam and Arjun made it very special.
Continue reading 30 for 30! … Gratitude