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To My Son on Your Second Birthday … 

What a year it’s been. Last year I seemed somewhat more aware of the passing of time. Life felt a little slower – like I had the chance to absorb what was going on around me. This last month has felt like a big blur and I can’t quite believe you’re two.


Two whole years. I’ve known you for two years and nine months. What a year it’s been. You’ve grown in to a strong willed, fun loving, God loving and caring little guy. I am so proud of you. As each day passes, you amaze me and fascinate me more than the day before. You fill the hearts of those around you and you never fail to make us smile.

You’re my first born. The one baby I will get to cherish more so than any other as you don’t have to share my time with anyone. And even then I seemed to have struggled at times. I’m so sorry Arjun. For sometimes getting my priorities mixed up. For not always playing with you when you’ve wanted me to. For not always hugging you for long enough. For not always cherishing every moment like I should. For not reading to you everyday. For not always making you the most wholesome meals. Sometimes taking you for granted. Despite all that, you really are my bestest friend. This last month has been tough for all of us with so many changes in our lives – the extension has shaken up things for all of us at home and I know I haven’t always been patient but thank you for being wise beyond your years and comforting me when I’ve needed it. I have no idea where you’ve learnt to be the little gentleman (most of the time) that you are. You are my bestest friend, my everything and I am so proud of you.

We have a lot of work to get through as we now aim to tackle the “terrible twos” but I’m ready for it – I promise to try my best to be more calm, conscious and understanding. To help you work through your daily struggles of dealing with life and not always knowing how to react and to help you to let your little personality shine through in the best way possible.

I love you so much.

Happy second birthday son xx

2 thoughts on “To My Son on Your Second Birthday … 

  1. What a lovely letter to Arjun. I wish I’d done these for Alex on his birthdays. Xx

  2. Thank you Hun. Do it! It’s never too late xx

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